Monday, September 21, 2009

first day of sightseeing

Hi guys.
its Meg here.
so today was our first day official day. we were warmly greeted by Herr Ritter in the foyer. during his speech lots of students came out and stared at us. first we had two lessons with our hostbrothers and hostsisters. i had a double lesson of art and then sport. after that we meet in the foyer and students from the school took us around Werder explaining some of the history and stories of the places. we walked to Werder's island and looked at the two churches and the windmill. after that we headed to our first german eiscafe (ice cream cafe)=P. we also visited a fruit growing museum and a fish restaraunt both of which Werder is famous for. at the fish restaraunt there were lots of real fish heads on the wall which was quite strange. after that we went to the ballroom where the Ernst-Haeckel Gymnasium have their graduaation dance every year. we also had our picture taken for the newspaper's article that they are writing about us.
when we arrived back at the school the hoststudents had organised a nice selection of traditional baking and drinks for us to try while Frau Zimmer und Frau Delegrosso and Aparajita told the german students a little bit about us and our wonderful country.
we then went home with our hostfamilies for some food and much needed sleep to be ready for tomorrow...


1 comment:

  1. Great reporting Meg - it sounds like you found your way around the narrow streets of the island OK! Did you take a photo of the windmill through the 'picture frame' by the bridge?

    Enjoy exploring Frederick the Great's palaces at Potsdam - wouldn't you like to live there and still have the choice of a summer palace just across the park? Make sure you go shopping in Potsdam - the 'mall' is great.
